My 2 years 1 month anniversary!!!
11:48 PM
For the past 2 years, on this particular date - 10th October, I've always been spending it with my dearest.
But today, our 2 years 1 month, it's the first time I'm spending it alone.
Feel kinda weird, but well its okay.
Well, how do I spend this particular special day??
I did a delivery on the noon sharp at CompassPoint.
After that went to school to meet my friends for project.
There was nothing much to discuss, as now our main concern is to complete our personal literature review, and get it ready for submission on the 19th November 2010, 5pm.
For group wise, there is currently nothing much.
But still we completed one of the weekly group work - status report 3!!!
After that went on to slack. Watch video etc.
Then one of the member went off early happily to look for her friend to have fun.
Anyway, still the remaining peeps stay on to do some other group work discussion.. =)
Project meeting ended at around 4plus and then HOME SWEET HOME!!!
Reach home and text beibei to keep him update of my "movements". HAHAHA
Created a new name: Emily Clairemma Ong
Anyway shall end here..
Who know of any good dining restaurant in Singapore? Have been visiting restaurants we used to dine at. Hope to find new ones!!!!!!
signing off